Carolina Haycock
3 min readMay 20, 2020

You cannot pour from an empty cup. As a life coach, I have always lived by this little nugget — if there is nothing left in the cup, regardless of how many times you turn it over, you will not get what you’re wanting to come out of it. It’s a very simple concept, but oftentimes overlooked because we get caught up by the demands of modern life. Working, running the household, taking care of the family and engaging in different social circles can get pretty much overwhelming at times. Focusing all your energy to everything but yourself and forgetting to prioritize you over other relationships can lead to an empty cup.

Self-care is so important, and I believe it has to be holistic. We need to give some TLC to the physical and mental aspects of ourselves. Here are some self-care ideas for you.

Happy self-caring!

Self Care Bingo by Carolina Haycock

Eat healthy, but don’t forget to treat yourself

Having a balanced diet provides you with energy and nutrients you need for growth and repair, and helps prevent certain health conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Understandably, there are times when our cravings kick in (read: chocolate, cake, soda, boba tea), and there is no harm in giving in! The key is, practice mindful eating when you satisfy your cravings.

Have adequate sleep

Sleep requirements vary from one person to another, but most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping adequately helps improve your mood and your memory and reduces stress.

Stay active

Exercising strengthens your bones, muscles and joints, and reduces your risk of getting diseases. Most importantly, when you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins which gives you that positive feeling.

Set your boundaries. It’s okay to say NO!

You should feel empowered to set boundaries to things that you feel are inappropriate. Have the courage to say, “This is something that I am not comfortable with.”

Accept Your Emotions

Everyone has feelings. You may experience different feelings each day depending on what is going on in your life. It is important to be able to recognize and accept what you are feeling, whether it’s sad, angry, grateful or happy.

Practice Self-Compassion

How do you speak to yourself when you make a mistake? You are a human and it’s okay to make mistakes. Be gentle with yourself. Remember, self-compassion is self-care!

Once we take the time to love and take care of ourselves, it resounds. Check-in with yourself, and give yourself what you need.



Carolina Haycock

I help Moms discover true emotional balance and free themselves from guilt, stress and the demands of our current society. So they can live the life they want.