Easy Guide On How To Practice Gratitude Everyday

Carolina Haycock
3 min readJun 3, 2020

Gratitude is a superpower — it can shift our doubts, insecurities, and those nagging thoughts that “I am not enough” into things that we have and enjoy. It helps us change our perspective on how we see the world.

Gratitude is an emotion often associated with an appreciation for what a person receives, be it tangible or not. Empirical evidence shows that practicing gratitude produces positive effects on a person. When you acknowledge the goodness in your life, you can connect to something outside of yourself. These connections can be with other people, with nature, and sometimes with a higher being. Furthermore, it allows us to cultivate and magnify our positive emotions and even helps undo the lingering effects of negative feelings. Not only does it support our mental health; it offers benefits to our physical body too! Because it helps remove stress, anxiety, and depression in the forefront of our minds, we can achieve better sleep quality.

People feel and express gratitude in many different ways. Looking back at previous blessings and being thankful for these, not taking our lives for granted, and maintaining a positive outlook in life are some of the ways to practice gratitude. No matter how you practice this particular attitude, it can always be cultivated further. Here are some tips on how to cultivate gratitude.


Keep a gratitude journal

Write down at least five things to be thankful for every day. Make sure to be specific instead of writing down the same general things over and over. For example, instead of saying “I am thankful for the food I ate today,” try “I am thankful for the delicious peanut butter sandwich I made this afternoon.” And instead of saying “I am thankful for my friend,” try “I am thankful for Maria, who sends me the funniest memes.”

Write a thank-you note

How does it feel when somebody says “Thanks” to you? It feels good, right? Imagine giving thanks to a friend who sent you a bowl of warm, hearty soup when you were feeling ill last week. Or to your study buddy who taught you all those mathematical formulas. Writing and sending a thank you note will nurture your relationship with others. And did I mention that you can write yourself a thank you note too?


Religious people can cultivate gratitude by praying. Saying grace with your family before meals, and praying before you sleep and when you wake up are some of the ways to express gratitude.


Focusing on the now without judgment during mindfulness meditation is another way to cultivate gratitude regularly. Appreciating the abundant blessings that we have and focusing on this positive feeling allows us to react with grace and acceptance.

Pay it forward

Sometimes, no amount of words can describe our appreciation for someone. In these cases, we can give back. Not because we want to make things even, but only because we want to do the same for others. Who would not want the ripple of kindness to be felt all over the world, right?

So let me ask you this:

what five things are you grateful for today?



Carolina Haycock

I help Moms discover true emotional balance and free themselves from guilt, stress and the demands of our current society. So they can live the life they want.